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Kids Helping Kids



Hope Ambassadors are youth who have been groomed through the Kimberly Moore Foundation's - Adopt-A-Letter program to become leaders in their communities and to bring their own dreams to life.






Moore trains them to become future leaders and catalysts of positive change in the community by involving them in community service programs such as the Adopt A Letter program, which involves packing boxes, wrapping gifts, collecting and reading letters, setting up toy drives, instrument drives, book drives, canned food drives and going door to door making wishes come true during the holiday season and year around. Moore also organizes and involves them in her educational programs and field trips that aid in their emotional and intellectual development. Moore’s Hope Ambassadors have become actively involved in her Echelon Club gatherings to either perform as musical talent with renowned musicians or Grammy winning artist, or participate as public speakers on Kimberly Moore Foundation programs.


Once the teens have completed a certain number of hours, Moore appoints them as “Hope Ambassadors” of the Kimberly Moore Foundation. What's astonishing is how Moore is able to activate the communities to contribute in making a difference. Her “Hope Ambassadors” (the very own children she's helped through her Adopt A Letter program) have now assisted in making wishes come true for other children and families, bringing hope to over 5,000 children in the community.


Upon approval, Hope Ambassadors can take lead on their own charitable initiatives in the community, come up with ideas and help spearhead programs and campaigns for Kimberly Moore Foundation programs.


This year the Kimberly Moore Foundation will adopt it's first letter request of a country: El Salvador, bringing aid and help to 100 abandoned children living in an orphanage, some which where found in the streets, malnourished, and some were even found in the dumpster. 


The Kimberly Moore Foundation will organize a CALL TO ACTION- asking all Hope Ambassadors to brainstorm with us to help come with their own initiatives on how we can help make a difference. Already our Hope Ambassadors are collecting clothing, school supplies, games, soccer balls and more.






Special thanks to our Hope Ambassadors for joining the Kimberly Moore Foundation's-  Pay it Forward program and participating in community service to help make dreams come true to over 5,000 children in need living in Los Angeles.

©2014 The Kimberly Moore Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit recognized by the IRS, and all donations to the Kimberly Moore Foundation  are tax-deductible in accordance with IRS regulations. EIN # 46-1243610

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