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Read Across America on Wednesday

March 2, 2016!

Thank you to these organizations for their immense support!


The Kimberly Moore Foundation understands the importance of reading. We believe that every child should have access to books and the opportunity to build their own home library. Knowlege is power and books are full of it. Reading has the ability to boost our children's learning potential simply by making books an integral part of their lives. Reading is the key to a child's academic future. Some of the benefits of reading include:



  • A higher aptitude for learning in general - kids who read do better at all subjects in school all the way through school.

  • Allow children to express themselves when communicating with others

  • Enrich vocabulary

  • Increase use of imagination and listening skills

  • A better understanding of cause and effect. Children will learn to excersice logic along with learning to think in abstract terms

  • Increase comprehension

  • Increase concentration

  • Increase discipline

  • Better memory retention

  • Help in developing empathy. It allows the the child to identify with the charactor in the the story and feel what they are feeling

  • Can provide a better understanding of other cultures as it can teach children about the world around them outside of their own experiences

  • Reading opens the door to future success - One of the truest predictors of future success is the amount of reading that children do at a young age.

Better Minds through Reading!

The Kimberly Moore Foundation is dedicates itself to bringing hope to children around the world. We are proud to introduce to you our new program- Better Minds Through Reading, a program dedicated to teaching children to build better minds through reading!- During our many years of delivering hope and wishes to children through our Adopt A Letter program we learned that one of the most common Christmas wishes from children living in highly impoverished areas was either food, clothing, school supplies and books.  We learned that many of our underprivileged children in the community had very little access to books at home and in their communities along with less access to good public libraries and bookstores. In an article in the NY Times, it is said that some 42% of American children — more than 31 million — grow up in families that lack the income to cover basic needs like rent, child care, food and transportation. These families can not afford books at retail. Hard Cover books can cost between $15-20 and paperback from $5-$10 per book, which can make it difficult for families of low income to purchase.


Increasing access to books can not only help students enormously – it can even mitigate the effects of poverty on school achievement and literacy development.

Better Minds through Reading!

Providing over 8,500 books to children in need!

Every year with your help we will organize a book drive to help kids build their own little home library! To organize your own book drive for the Kimberly Moore Foundation please contact us!

Special thanks to actor Adrian Paul of The Peace Fund for his donation of over 5,000 books to the Kimberly Moore Foundation to go to our Adopt A Country program for children who do not have access to education!


©2014 The Kimberly Moore Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit recognized by the IRS, and all donations to the Kimberly Moore Foundation  are tax-deductible in accordance with IRS regulations. EIN # 46-1243610

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